
In this site, we’ll explain how to contribute to the Pwnagotchi community! Do you want to add a feature? Code a plugin! While beginners might fear tinkering with their Pwnagotchi, this is where the ultimate freedom begins.

This contributing page is not for this wiki, its for the Pwnagotchi framework in general. However if you made a new plugin or image, which you want to be displayed on this site, feel free to open a pull request or reach out to one of the developers.

Developing your own plugin

If you want to develop your own plugin, you have the following callbacks available:




Called when the status is set to angry.


Called when the agent is sending an association frame.


Called when the status is set to bored.


called when the agent is tuning on a specific channel.


This will be triggered if the config has changed (also right after on_loaded).


Called when the agent is deauthenticating a client station from an AP.


Called when the hardware display setup is done, display is an hardware specific object.


Called when an epoch is over (where an epoch is a single loop of the main algorithm).


Called when the status is set to excited.


Called when a non overlapping wifi channel is found to be free.


Called when the status is set to grateful.


Called when a new handshake is captured, access_point and client_station are json objects if the agent could match the BSSIDs to the current list, otherwise they are just the strings of the BSSIDs.


This will be triggered every few seconds during the time pwnagotchi has internet.


The plugin got loaded and is enabled.


Called when the status is set to lonely.


Called when a new peer is detected.


Called when a known peer is lost.


Called when everything is ready and the main loop is about to start.


Called when the agent is rebooting the board.


Called when the status is set to sad.


Called when the agent is sleeping for t seconds.


Called to setup the ui elements.


Called when the ui is updated.


Called when the agent refreshed an unfiltered access point list this list contains all access points that were detected BEFORE filtering.


Called when updating.


This will be triggered if the plugin gets unloaded (e.g. the user toggled the enable/disable switch). You should remove unneeded ui-elements here.


Called when there are unread messages.


Called when the agent is waiting for t seconds.


You can provide some web-functionality here. Will be triggered if the user opens /plugins/<pluginname>.


Called when the agent refreshed its access points list.

AI deprecated

AI was deprecated in v2.9.2. These callbacks have been deprecated as well.

on_ai_best_reward on_ai_policy on_ai_ready on_ai_training_end on_ai_training_start on_ai_training_step on_ai_worst_reward


To illustrate how easy it is to add additional functionality via the plugin system, here is the code for the GPS plugin (

    import logging
    import json
    import os
    import pwnagotchi.plugins as plugins

    class GPS(plugins.Plugin):
        __author__ = ''
        __version__ = '1.0.0'
        __license__ = 'GPL3'
        __description__ = 'Save GPS coordinates whenever an handshake is captured.'

        def __init__(self):
            self.running = False

        def on_loaded(self):
  "gps plugin loaded for %s" % self.options['device'])

        def on_ready(self, agent):
            if os.path.exists(self.options['device']):
      "enabling gps bettercap's module for %s" % self.options['device'])
          'gps off')

      'set gps.device %s' % self.options['device'])
      'set gps.speed %d' % self.options['speed'])
      'gps on')
                self.running = True
                logging.warning("no GPS detected")

        def on_handshake(self, agent, filename, access_point, client_station):
            if self.running:
                info = agent.session()
                gps = info['gps']
                gps_filename = filename.replace('.pcap', '.gps.json')

      "saving GPS to %s (%s)" % (gps_filename, gps))
                with open(gps_filename, 'w+t') as fp:
                    json.dump(gps, fp)

Pwnagotchi’s development environment is Raspbian + nexmon patches for monitor mode, or any Linux with a monitor mode enabled interface (if you tune config.toml).

Do not try with Kali on the Raspberry Pi 0 W, it is compiled without hardware floating point support and TensorFlow is simply not available for it, use Raspbian.

Adding a new Display

Currently Pwnagotchi supports several displays and adding support for new ones is very easy! All you have to do is copying the specific Python libraries of the hardware into this folder and then create a new class in its parent folder that implements the methods of the following abstract class:

    class DisplayImpl(object):
    def __init__(self, config, name): = name
    self.config = config['ui']['display']
    self._layout = {
    'width': 0,
    'height': 0,
    'face': (0, 0),
    'name': (0, 0),
    'channel': (0, 0),
    'aps': (0, 0),
    'uptime': (0, 0),
    'line1': (0, 0),
    'line2': (0, 0),
    'friend_face': (0, 0),
    'friend_name': (0, 0),
    'shakes': (0, 0),
    'mode': (0, 0),
    # status is special :D
    'status': {
        'pos': (0, 0),
        'font': fonts.Medium,
        'max': 20

    def layout(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

    def initialize(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

    def render(self, canvas):
    raise NotImplementedError

    def clear(self):
    raise NotImplementedError

For instance, the pwnagotchi/ui/hw/ file which supports this hat looks like this:

    import logging

    import pwnagotchi.ui.fonts as fonts
    from pwnagotchi.ui.hw.base import DisplayImpl

    class OledHat(DisplayImpl):
    def __init__(self, config):
    super(OledHat, self).__init__(config, 'oledhat')
    self._display = None

    def layout(self):
    fonts.setup(8, 8, 8, 8)
    self._layout['width'] = 128
    self._layout['height'] = 64
    self._layout['face'] = (0, 32)
    self._layout['name'] = (0, 10)
    self._layout['channel'] = (0, 0)
    self._layout['aps'] = (25, 0)
    self._layout['uptime'] = (65, 0)
    self._layout['line1'] = [0, 9, 128, 9]
    self._layout['line2'] = [0, 53, 128, 53]
    self._layout['friend_face'] = (0, 41)
    self._layout['friend_name'] = (40, 43)
    self._layout['shakes'] = (0, 53)
    self._layout['mode'] = (103, 10)
    self._layout['status'] = {
    'pos': (30, 18),
    'font': fonts.Small,
    'max': 18
    return self._layout

    def initialize(self):"initializing oledhat display")
    from pwnagotchi.ui.hw.libs.waveshare.oledhat.epd import EPD
    self._display = EPD()

    def render(self, canvas):

    def clear(self):

Creating an Image


If you want to create a custom image for testing, developing or just hacking, you will need a GNU/Linux computer and the binaries for curl, git, make, unzip, go, qemu-user-static and kpartx. The Makefile will also temporarily install packer and use sudo as needed.

To create a zip file with the image and one with its sha256 checksum, just run:

    make image

To remove the generated files:

    sudo make clean


Download Win32Diskimager

Launch the program and select an .img file which you don’t need anymore (or download one from GitHub). The select the BOOT drive of your sd-card and hit read. Once that is done the image you chose prior is now an exact copy of your current setup. Flash it on another sd-card or share it! Adding a Language

Contributing a new translation

If you want to contribute a new translation of Pwnagotchi’s status messages for the UI, do the following:

  • Copy the language template (voice.pot); the template should NOT be changed manually.
      ./scripts/ add <lang> (e.g. "de")
  • Now the user changes the file pwnagotchi/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/voice.po

    • The important part: be sure to change the msgstr part, NOT the msgid part!
  • Now you’ll need to compile it; this will create the .mo files:

      ./scripts/ compile <lang>

Updating an existing translation

Sometimes we change old or add new status messages in Pwnagotchi’s UI. If that’s happened and something in the the code has changed, users can submit updated translations using the following procedure:

  1. Update the template and merges it with the already translated po-file:
        ./scripts/ update <lang>
  1. Now you need to
    • Look for fuzzy marked strings in the file pwnagotchi/locale//LC_MESSAGES/voice.po
    • Add your new/changed translation
    • Remove the fuzzy string afterwards
  2. Recompile the .mo file
        ./scripts/ compile <lang>

Afterwards you can either compile it to a custom image, or submit it, in a pull request, to one of multiple GitHub image repos of your choice. After some time the developer/developers responsible for the repo should see your commit and hopefully add your translation.